Manny Berrios

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"Thank you for visiting my art gallery. For me, creating is always an adventure as I allow the universal energy to flow through my paintbrush or camera lens, driven by love." - JMB

About the Artist:
Jesus Manuel Berrios JMB- aka Manny Berrios has spent the last three decades of his life perfecting his craft of unlocking color in his artwork. He uses a combination of digital tools and traditional art techniques to create vivid and vibrant pieces that capture the essence of his life in NYC and around the world. His work is a journey through the spectrum of visible light, allowing viewers to experience the beauty of the full range of color. His pieces often feature a range of gradients and hues, highlighting the unique beauty of each individual color and bringing it to life. Manny is an unapologetic believer in the power of color and light. He uses his work to explore the full range of visible light, and to create pieces that bring beauty to any space. He strives to create pieces that will resonate with viewers, and to create meaningful experiences through his art. He is an artist that is not afraid to explore.

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever" - Mahatma Gandhi