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Some snippets about me.
If you are reading this, I would like to thank you in advance for lending some time to learning a bit more about myself and my art.
The pleasure is all mine.
I am Shawn Morris. To me creativity and being creative is the essence of life and interconnected to how we live it. I have come to find a connection to timelessness now and again when befriending the creative process with genuine mystical wonder. Magic happen in the spaces in between.
I see creative endeavours as being tethered intricately to each and every individual’s unique perspective. I believe that everyone has a carte blanche exact matter of fact equal ability when it comes to creativity. Subjective subconscious reality defined. Being creative is a gift that over time can change perspectives in a collective nature. The mastery in the everlasting allure too engaging in a creative way which over time can mature, become more refined and evolved in part to how it continues to call to me. It’s not about being good or bad, its about doing it or not.
Art is a way for me to visualize and quantify how I can move in a groovy and most often soothing way from point A to point B and inevitably to point Z.
I am a contemporary artist, albeit a photographer first who is also a late to the table academic and author from Nelson British Columbia, Canada.
I am spellbound and invigorated daily by the endless gift of Mother Nature’s life force that I am so lucky to feel in all of its abundance in the mountains I live nested amongst. I am captivated by nature in general, open spaces, unhurried existences, and vibrancies that sometimes exist just beyond the human eye, albeit brought into focus from time to time I find with a distinct verve represented through photography and art.
I feel extremely fortunate to come from such a magical place that continues to represent exquisite beauty and feeling in it landscapes and also in the people who live here.
Today’s technologies, combined with seemingly endless different mediums and endless possibilities of arrangements, interwoven with megatudes of ingenious applications makes right now such an exciting time to be an artist. I love the precision that is the result of masterful screen printing. Crisp clean gradients that display definitive and distinguished lines that i find enhance the distinctiveness and vigour of each colour. I remember seeing Roy Henry Vickers work for the first time and was immediately transfixed by its vividness and balance that was so clean and linear and it resulted in feeling that i was a part of something more in an intimately interconnected way.
I strive to embody a sense of calm and balance in my work. I like to include suggestive elements that I hope can induce feeling and thoughts that are calming. I have been told by people that this particular aspect of my art speaks to them in a very personal and meaningful way. I am constantly amazed and wowed each and every time I am privy to someone else’s reaction(s) to my art and that creates a sense of overflowing gratitude and pride for me. It is humbling and an honour to be able to see through another persons eyes and even their minds eye in real time if they happen to find a connection with my art.
My hope is that the suggestive inclusions in much of my work will encourage the viewer to see in a deeper way that is often just beyond what they initially think they are supposed to be seeing.
I think it is innate for people to want to understand things through being able to define them. If my art persuades or initiates thoughts that induce emotions or feelings, perhaps different in the same for each individual viewer, then I would say this accomplishment defies definition while additionally creating its own unique purpose, one that can be very personal and at the same time openly shared. When and if this transpires, the connections can prove to be profound in many different ways.
When imagination takes flight from observing something tangible in the form of art, what transpires, I would describe as being an interactive synaptic ah ha moment that can take hold of people while simultaneously propelling them in different directions in time and space. This sort of experience can also invigorate a persons senses that I equate to being able to let go and hang on at the same time. Little moments such as these I see in fact as being big moments that can move people in ways that can prove to be ever-lasting and transformative.
I am forever humbled and honoured when people, especially friends, respond in a positive way to my art. I love creation, creativity, creatives, and for me, the freedom and timelessness I get to experience here and there through my creative endeavours. Everything after the fact, is just an incredible bonus.

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Print One Plant One
One tree planted for every print.  Pictorem supports Trees for the Future, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, that operates an agroforesty program to restore trees to degraded lands by working with smallholder farmers.