Valentyna Pylypenko was born and raised in Ukraine – beautiful country with interminable forests, endless sunlight and rain-kissed grasslands, picturesque mountains, wide rivers, calm lakes, an unlimited expanse of seas, which, of course, is inhabited by wonderful people.
One day she was overwhelmed with an irresistible urge to pick up a brush. Since then, creativity has become her life.
Valentyna expresses in her paintings and brings to others all those wonderful feelings that sweep over her heart when she absorbs the beauty of her native country, the people around her. She pays a lot of attention to details that create harmony in life.
Valentyna mostly works with oil and watercolors. Her artworks are filled with love, warmth and create an unsurpassed feeling of comfort and fullness of life.
Valentyna's artworks have taken part in many international exhibitions and competitions, winning prizes.
She also studied at Icon Painting School Radru? and she is a Member of the National Union of Ukrainian Icon Painters.
There is an opinion that art is a result of collaboration between God and an artist, and the less is the part of the artist – the better.
Valentyna's paintings reach the heart and prove to everyone how good life is.
Print One Plant One
One tree planted for every print. Pictorem supports Trees for the Future, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, that operates an agroforesty program to restore trees to degraded lands by working with smallholder farmers.