All photos taken underwater holding my breath -- free diving-- no scuba!
The subjects will come very close without scuba equipment.
I graduated from Odessa, Ukraine with a degree in Marine science. I lived and studied in Poland and Germany before I moved to Anchorage, Alaska where I am teaching Reiki, Yoga, and do language interpreting in Russian, German and Polish.
During the past few years, our family started spending more time in Maui where I fell in love with the Big Blue, free diving (or apnea diving on one breath) and underwater photography.
What started as a hobby, continues to grow into something greater each time I dive into this other universe - the Ocean.
I am very happy to share my passion and love of the ocean’s beauty, to open a small window for those who have never experienced that other BLUE WORLD, and maybe give them some motivation and inspiration to explore it.
One tree planted for every print. Pictorem supports Trees for the Future, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, that operates an agroforesty program to restore trees to degraded lands by working with smallholder farmers.