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Halló beautiful souls!
I’m Candi Soul Sparkles /Soul Sparkles an Icelandic & Phoenician Artist who has a passion for creating & loves expressing my spirit through my art .
I believe art is about vision, what you see, how you see it, what it makes one feel, it’s about sharing your soul & it’s moments with everyone, it’s about inviting souls into another realm, letting them take a journey, join an adventure through your expression. I am thankful for the appreciation of my expression, knowing someone is enjoying my creations fills my heart with such humility, epic excitement & joy! Creating expressive art is forever my happy place, thank you for allowing me to share it & for you taking the time to visit! Now loves, if you want to get to know me a bit, come on over to my website:, it has some extra tasty, savory & sugary bites just for you to see life & art through the spirit of this child & to just enjoy it. I’m thankful for each soul here, I love being this tiny girl being an artist in this grandly extravagant beauty of a place we endearingly call our earth. May all your days be peaceful, full of love, many smiles mixed up with bunches of laughter, may you be like flowers growing & blooming in your perfect time, seeking truth & playing like a happy bunnies in the meadows!
Yashiya bless !

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Print One Plant One
One tree planted for every print.  Pictorem supports Trees for the Future, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, that operates an agroforesty program to restore trees to degraded lands by working with smallholder farmers.