Oliver Batin is an artist from Seattle Wa. His father, Nelson Batin, is a professional artist, so as a kid, art ran through Olivers blood. Everyday he would watch and learn to draw and paint from his dad, Which inspired him to draw. In school Oliver had a 4th grade reading level that he struggled with up to 10th grade. And while his teachers told his parents that every kid must learn the same way, Oliver's parents knew he was a visual learner, and encouraged him to pursue his dreams, no matter what other people thought of him. Over the years, Oliver entered into various drawing competition's winning 3rd place in state. And is now drawing and painting full time as an artist.
One tree planted for every print. Pictorem supports Trees for the Future, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, that operates an agroforesty program to restore trees to degraded lands by working with smallholder farmers.