After graduation in Fine Arts (Drawing and Painting) I took up a full time job as 'Communication Designer ' in education field for few years. It was nice to make kid’s learning colorful!
At my early days Khalil Gibran’s literature & art inspired me, I think that is why I started liking to create figurative work. But to find out what you really love to do requires a great deal of penetration inside. Once you do it, then you have capacity, confidence, initiative and there begins a spontaneous possess of transformation.
I take discontent positively, because when you are discontent, you really begin to think on many things and it is beginning of creativeness. I like to observe things as actually they are. Let be the Good or the Bad... everything consists and connects to everything. Nothing is complete in itself and its full being is realized only in that participation.
Everything is internally related to everything. Art solve the objective of this Implicate Order because the very meaning of word Art is Gather together to join. This connect makes this universe complete.
The things been attracting me from childhood are Love, misery, contrast & the subject of my artwork will go around philology, Juxtapose or the Yin-Yang in chinese philosophy, it means balance, same like good does to bad and white does to black.......
Nitin Rodge