'My interest in painting began at the age of 10. I remember using watercolor- copying photographs from travel books. I learned painting through the rendering classes at the University of the Philippines (UP) College of Architecture, workshops at the UP College of Fine Arts, and from reading art books. I have created several watercolor, oil and acrylic paintings in the past. Now, I have adapted a new style by combining the impasto technique with the use of modeling paste, and watercolor washes, glazing and dry brush techniques.'
Joey Agbayani is a film director and producer. His animated films 'Lola' and 'The Ghostwriter' received major awards from several international film festivals. Agbayani's films have been shown in worldwide and prestigious festivals such as the Asian American International Film Festival, The New York City Horror Film Festival at the Tribeca Cinemas, Festival du Court Metrage Clermont
Ferrand, Festival de Cine Alcala de Henares, Berlin Independent Film Festival, Independent Days Film Festival in Germany and the Edinburgh International Film