When I retired from my 40-year career designing, building, marketing, and managing software solutions for the media industry, I found a new passion: Photography. I now realize that Photography is not just the ACT of TAKING a photo, it’s the ART of CREATING a photo. In my attempt to capture levels of interest in everyday settings in everything I see, everywhere I go, at any time of the day ... my focus is always on highlighting the contrast of light and dark, or between colors, and emphasizing the patterns of lines and shapes, reflections, repetitions, shadows, and silhouettes. It’s those patterns that draw me in or not, regardless of the actual content. And that focus drives me to observe things longer, look up and down, move left and right, get in a little closer, find a better angle, see something special, different, or unique in the viewfinder ... to compose a better photo ... and in doing so, hopefully, become a better photographer. Of course, that will take me on a life-long journey. My Mission is to ... Explore ... Observe ... Capture. I sincerely hope you enjoy my captured images. Fred J Bivetto at FjB Photo ART