FANNY a l’art dans le sang. Depuis son enfance, elle a toujours été passionnée par les Arts, le design, l'architecture, mais ce n’est que depuis deux années qu’elle se consacre à temps plein à sa passion.FANNY artiste peintre est une entrepreneure peintre québécoise autodidacte passionnée.Elle vous propose des toiles abstraites, figuratives et numériques techniques mixtes laissant libre cours à son intuition et à son imagination.FANNY has art in her blood. Since her childhood, she has always been passionate about the Arts, design, architecture, but it is only for two years that she has devoted herself full time to her passion.----FANNY Painter is a passionate self-taught Quebec painter entrepreneur.She offers you abstract, figurative and digital mixed media canvases giving free rein to her intuition and imagination.
One tree planted for every print. Pictorem supports Trees for the Future, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, that operates an agroforesty program to restore trees to degraded lands by working with smallholder farmers.