Elizabeth Berry

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ElisaberyArtist Elizabeth Berry, Artist - Ontario, Canada and Pine Island, Florida.Dr. Elizabeth Berry has worn a wide variety of hats: resort ownership, social work, service as a Chaplain, meditations upon philosophy, poetry; an artist.Elizabeth has followed a path first discovered among childhood dreams. Her mediums of expression are the tools of paper, paint, computer, cameras, and Light.Her exposure to social issues and care of unfortunate souls finds expression amongst her works. She is an artist who has tended to the sick and dying.Other influences include artist Peter Hebner. This fine artisan from Ontario, Canada has brought mediums of portrait painting with rich pastels, fine pencil work, and acrylics. Her interest in photography brought her to study first with Monte Zucker and other seminars of direction and expression.Elizabeth reveals a bit of her underlying creative poetic principles, saying “…Many layers and days go into producing a completed work I come to treasure. It’s a tapestry. It constantly reminds me that I am also a tapestry. Who I am is the cumulative result of many generations, and people that came before me... genetically and experientially. The process continues. I love that. This poem was written for something else but seems to fit: Thoughts, words, images on a page, like actors on the stage, are not wholly mine…. Out of others ashes…. created…. Recycled, dressed, and aided before stated…. On a page stage created…”She continues “…Composite art is as enriching as it is hard to explain. Many elements are woven together and sometimes start with something I have doodled or thought. Sometimes a piece comes from a distant part of the world, and I get to use a section of it in work that originated from a locale I can never hope to visit. This, of course, makes for a communal, personal and universal connection.”Elizabeth’s works are created from what Elizabeth is. She has a unique perspective.She is proudly represented as one of the featured artists displayed to the public in galleries and shows in Ontario and Florida.
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Print One Plant One
One tree planted for every print.  Pictorem supports Trees for the Future, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, that operates an agroforesty program to restore trees to degraded lands by working with smallholder farmers.