My name is Darryl Brooks, and I am a photographer living near Cumming, Georgia with over twenty years of experience in corporate, commercial, portrait, and stock photography, and over 40,000 images in my portfolio. I enjoy travel and food, and these passions are reflected in much of my photography.
When I tell people I am a photographer, or someone sees me with my camera (which is pretty much all the time), they invariably ask me what I like to photograph. My answer frequently depends on the situation and audience, but internally I am always paraphrasing the cartoonist, Gahan Wilson, "I Shoot What I See." Fortunately, with the improvements in digital cameras and software, I can usually accomplish this unencumbered by such nuisances as reality.
To inquire about contract work, ask about any of my work, or ask me any questions, please email me directly at
I hope you enjoy browsing my portfolio here and will consider purchasing any art that catches your eye. More of my work can be viewed at
One tree planted for every print. Pictorem supports Trees for the Future, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, that operates an agroforesty program to restore trees to degraded lands by working with smallholder farmers.