My passion for painting and drawing was supported and stimulated from an early age by the teachers at my infants and elementary school. Those same teachers even bought me boxes of colour paints and brushes as a reward for passing the grammar school 11 plus entrance exams.
When I was 17 my art teacher brought me along to the Carlisle College of Art to help me to get into art college. Unfortunately I was not able finish art college as my parents could not afford to keep me there.
My enthusiasm for drawing and painting did not fade away and I continued to dabble with my art over the years. It was in the early 1970's when my circumstances and time allowed me to start painting seriously. A friend and I shared our love for painting and encouraged each other to improve and try different techniques and mediums. Building on the lessons and experiences from my short-lived colleges days I started to develop my own personal style.
What convinced me that I have flare for my art was when we held our first exhibition in the town of Dampier in Western Australia. This was extremely successful and following that I was persuaded to share my talent and knowledge of art by teaching art classes through the Technical Extension Service of the Education Department at the local school as adult evening classes.
In 1975 when Princess Anne visited Dampier during a tour of Western Australia, I was requested to gift her pen and ink drawings of a local ghost town called Cossack. Shortly after I received a thank you letter which stated that Her Royal Highness was most touched and wanted to thank me most warmly for the drawing. Her Royal Highness said it will serve as a happy reminder of a most enjoyable visit to Dampier.
My hard work and dedication have been recognised numerous times through various awards, including the most popular painting award for my painting “Evening in Paris”. Throughout my years of painting I have been commissioned to produce paintings for civic buildings, the Premier of Western Australia, CEO's of Multinational Conglomerates and various private collectors.
I moved from Australia to London in 1980 and my painting once again had to take second place to “regular” work. But after I retired from the 9 to 5 routine of daily work, I moved to the Lake District in the North of England and now have time for painting and enjoying creating new beautiful works on a more "full but easy paced time" basis.
One tree planted for every print. Pictorem supports Trees for the Future, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, that operates an agroforesty program to restore trees to degraded lands by working with smallholder farmers.