Amanda Atsalis

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As a self taught artist my fascination with faces began when I was old enough to hold a pencil. Raised in a large Greek-American family there was no shortage of beautiful and dramatic people to practice from. Between the drama and the humor it was only natural to try and capture the subtle nuances through a gesture, posture or facial expression that often go unnoticed that truly capture the essence of the personality. This appreciation for colorful and dramatic people also translates to a passion for creating colorful and dramatic portraits using hand drawn art mixed with technology which allows me complete freedom never knowing where the path will take me.

I create my art from a variety of media depending on the mood I wish to convey . Often there is the occasional humorous edge to my work and you will know I was up late at night by myself laughing to the point of tears! I hope you enjoy my art just half as much as I enjoy creating it.

Print One Plant One
One tree planted for every print.  Pictorem supports Trees for the Future, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, that operates an agroforesty program to restore trees to degraded lands by working with smallholder farmers.