In 1862 at Istanbul, he painted a canvas depicting a Victory by the Turks led by Sultan Abdul Mezid. He exhibited at Paris: The Druze attack a Maronite Village, Falcon hunt in plains of Ispahan, The Bazaar of Istambul, and The stage of the caravan, found in the Museum of Parma. In Venice, and began painting vedute of the city, among other subjects including works depicting the Ponte dei Santi Apostoli, the ferry Cassou and the Rio Marin, Canal Grande; Traghetto San Toma ; Venice from the Giudecca ; Palazzo Grimani; Rio San Severo, Rio a Santa Maria Formosa ; and Palazzi Rezzonico, Foscari e Balbi.
He also painted Porta di un bazar; Panorama of the Sierra Nevada; Porta del vino, Alhambra Porta of the sala delle due sorelle; Interno dello moschea dellAlhambra; Porta duna moschea, and Palazzo del Generalife; Porta di un vecchio arsenale; Mercato del lunedì nella piazza of the Moschea a Costantinopoli; Cavalli al pascolo in Siria; Cortile di un vecchio joly; La sentinella; Le staffette (Group of irregular cavalry at the door of a mosque in Asia Minor); Courtyard of the Lions in Granada; Gruppo di case nel Rubatto Yesel Giani; Unarcata of the facciata di San Marco; Porta del Palazzo Moriani; and La Salute. The self-portrait he sent to the Uffizi in Florence is from 1888.