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Hey there, I'm Liz, a self taught hobby artist and animal lover. The artwork I create revolve around wildlife, birds and pets, especially dogs.

I have been painting and drawing since I was old enough to scribble on the wall. I paint in watercolor, acrylic and make pen and ink pet portraits.

Since learning how to use a computer I have become fascinated with creating art on the computer, it's fun to make and easy to modify, I can spend an endless amount of time redoing a composition without leaving a trail of eraser crumbs.

My foray into making computer art started with the Windows Paint program, I then purchased a graphics software program called Paint Shop Pro and now I'm using Inkscape, a vector graphics program, to create the art that's displayed in this online store.

Vector graphics are computer graphics made by manipulating nodes in basic shapes such as a rectangle into the object the artist wants to draw, for example a bird or a dog. Think of it as a potter taking a block of clay and shaping it into a vase. Sounds complicated but quite easy once you get the hang of drawing in this way.

Hope you enjoy viewing my art, if you have any questions I can be contacted through my website at

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