Jacqueline Sleter


"Simply Florida…and then some" What is this? "Simply Florida ...and then some" is the general topic of my photographs and photoart work. It means my main focus is Florida but other items are included when I travel. Here's my story: Sun Pictures – My first “wow”! I was about 5 years old, or so, my dad bought me a kit which was developing negatives in the sunlight. Of course, at that age I didn’t even know what developing photos meant. My dad handed me a large envelope and asked me to place the negative in there, then leave it out in the sun for about a half hour. The magic happened, I had my first picture of Hopalong Cassidy in an 8X10 photo. (by now you may have guessed my age). Then my first “brownie” came along…. In my early 20’s I took a class in darkroom developing, well this is interesting! I bought darkroom equipment. Now where do I put it in my one bedroom apartment? Bathroom! I went to work developing black and white photos. My photos came out good but not great. Years went by (harp music) …. DIGITAL?!! Point and shoot. I pointed and shot, pictures came out good but not great. I came across a gal who posted on Facebook on how to turn your ordinary photos into pieces of art. Little did I know about the things you can do with digital pics using Photoshop Elements. I was hooked, the photo artist in me was awake once more. Another step further and takes you to today: Photos on canvas: My idea of photos on canvas should be of a paint-like fashion. I began to research photo software that would make your photos look more like a Picasso, Monet, Degas and so on. Boom, I found it! My work focuses on the beauty of Florida, there is so much beauty in my back yard literally, Birds, flowers, trees, beaches and so on. My artistic photos are great, wow! Photos are our way of remembering and they are very important to us. Mine are to me and I treat yours as though they are mine. Thanks for dropping by! ….”and now you know the rest of the story” (quoted from Paul Harvey)
Our collection of art work is titled "JScollections".

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Un arbre planté pour chaque impression.  Pictorem soutient Trees for the Future, une organisation à but non lucratif 501 (c) 3, qui gère un programme agroforestier pour restaurer les arbres sur les terres dégradées en travaillant avec les petits agriculteurs.