À l'aide d'un boîtier numérique ou argentique, mon labo numérique ou le développement de pellicules, je mets en oeuvre ma créativité afin de cristalliser ce que j'ai ressenti.
La photographie d'art est mon interprétation personnelle, une lecture individuelle et partisane de la réalité. Je vous offre ma lecture et mon ressenti du moment présent, celui qui à prévalu lors de la capture de la photographie qui vous rejoindra.
In English
Photography captures an emotion, a moment suspended in time. Natural landscapes inspire me, urban life offers me multiple moments to capture. Black and white, with its contrasts, appeal to me more than ever when an opportunity presents itself. Digital monochrome or film black and white remains what inspires me a priori. Color is not left out because its warmth and tones are also sources of creative inspiration. This creativity, these moments in search of a scene, a subject or the wait for a moment in the middle of nature are moments of pure happiness which fill me and which I love to share with you.
Using a digital or film camera, my digital lab or film development, I use my creativity to crystallize what I felt.
Art photography is my personal interpretation, an individual and partisan reading of reality. I offer you my reading and my feelings of the present moment, the one which prevailed during the capture of the photograph which will reach you.